Hi Jon

Letter to my son, Jon

Hi Jon, your mother, and the legal system have caused me to become The Beast 666, all the evidence has been documented on my other site at https://theebeast666.com. I understand all this has caused you some problems, but the evidence does not lie. I don’t know how much damage has been done to Kathryn, but I know how special she was before the separation. I loved Kathryn more than anyone at the time and the events that occurred since, have been seen as pure insanity. I sorry, but I feel more damage has been to Kathryn than you. Kathryn has been tortured with a belief that a person she loved was out to kill her and the rest of the family, this much torture upon Kathryn is the sickest thing I have ever experienced in my lifetime. I think Kathryn knows now that I couldn’t adopt her because I was her sidekick, not her father. Kathryn never called me dad. Kathryn had a one-track mind, and I don’t know how she matured so fast and knew so much, but she loved me more than her mother ever did. She was the love of my life, but when she came into my bed one morning and woke me up, I turned and said I thought you were Chris. Kathryn told me: “If you tell my mother what I did to you I will tell her you were touching me.” So, Kathryn did the naughty and then blamed me. I finally realized that Kathryn had full control of my soul so if I ever said anything about her sexual activities, she would turn on me. I freaked out when I thought: I wonder if Kathryn wants me to have intercourse with her and I say no, would she say I will tell mom you were touching me if you don’t do it. This is when I decided I had to get a divorce because her threat was too much to live with. Looking back, if I would have known Chris would use death threats to scare Kathryn, tell Kathryn that Frank hates you because he wouldn’t adopt you, and never see her again: I would never have asked for a divorce.  I have missed Kathryn for 30 years now and you were kidnapped, which is why I should have stayed married to your mom. Now that I really know your mother it would have been tough to deal with, but the outcome would have been better than the insanity that has occurred. Anyway, the following is what I wanted to talk to you about.

Kathryn knew I loved her, and I’m certain she loved me, so I wonder: how was Kathryn forced to change love into hate and fear? Although coerced, her lying about death threats almost got me killed by her father, and she knows it: one bullet landed on my chest, and another bullet took out the best picture Kathryn ever took. What the hell have you Boyds done to this girl: so, I wonder: how do Boyds even sleep or live with this kind of evil? You may defend your mother, but she and the legal system are the ones who proved to me that no God exists. Kathryn told me you studied to be a priest, so I know hosting the Antichrist has been pretty tough on you. I showed you all the hidden evidence and the perjury, so how can you dismiss it? What the Boyds have done to Kathryn, me, and your half-brother and sister is truly unforgivable. At the time, I loved Kathryn more than anyone, so if I made mistakes with Kathryn, that love for her may have caused it. Ridge told me: you can save Kathryn the embarrassment of a trial and avoid any State time with a no-contest plea, it was my love for Kathryn that caused me to make the biggest mistake of my life. Listen, I knew she had committed perjury when she denied going to the Rape Crisis Center and denied receiving any sexual counseling and then told a completely new and worst indecent assault and even added death threats. Although coerced, Kathryn denied a file indecent assault (which was kept hidden unconstitutionally) and replaced it with a new one, at the same time as the one she denied. 

The prosecutor was hiding the police report and the Rape Crisis sexual counselor which would have proved Kathryn’s perjury. Still, I could have taken the stand, and Kathryn would have been convicted of perjury as I would’ve demanded an investigation of my testimony, and the hidden evidence would have been found and I would have been charged with perjury if I was lying. Sometimes love stinks. I am officially Thee Beast 666, taking on an eviler beast so, if America elects Harris/Waltz I will be forced to move my fight abroad and abandon paradise. The Boyds and America are Out of Control, and I am appalled with the evil corruption and lies that the Boyds all hold on to so deeply. You can all pretend your God will forgive all of you, but history won’t forgive you when the truth is finally revealed. You may love your mom more than anyone, and that may be the biggest mistake that you ever made. Just how long are the Boyds going to torture Kathryn? Kathryn knows I was not the monster she claimed, she knows there were no death threats, and she knows what really happened, she knows the truth. I ended up doing six freaking years protecting her from perjury charges: let her at least apologize, please. I need to know that you Boyds are not torturing her mind with more lies and fears of me. Your fake God may forgive you, but I certainly will not. The Boyds and the current Democrats are the only people I know with a conscious. The evil deeds they have done are as appalling and heinous as it gets. They are extremely lucky I’m civilized, and that no real God has demanded justice and punishment. Kathryn was related to the ex-mayor so when the DA he heard Kathryn deny any sexual counseling at the Rape Crisis Center, the prosecutor unconstitutionally hid the police report and the Rape Crisis sexual counselor which would have proved Kathryn’s perjury. He knew that the sexual counselor could have never missed all the new and worst claims of sexual abuse, and death threats occurring at Grandview, which was only one block from Erie’s ex-mayor’s home. The DA and other pricks had one goal convict this guy.

 I’ll be waiting for an apology from Kathryn whenever the Boyds allow it. Tell Kathryn I’m sorry for what the Boyds and the legal system have put her through. Kathryn knows how well we both got along before she left my house, help her remove the heinous torture of turning love into hate with death threats. Hope you are hanging in there Jon, even with all the collateral damage done to you.

Also wanted to talk to you on the phone, about having children, The Boyds have ruined Dale and Deanna, they will not marry because they can’t trust anyone in a relationship. I’m not a grandfather yet, and not sure it even matters if you can’t trust anyone in a relationship. I know your communication has been restricted because Chris can’t ever let the truth be known. I’m hosting the antichrist to expose the evil antichrists in the world: sorry your mother is one of them. It’s appalling and pure evil that our legal system and other evil antichrists have done the same thing to President Trump and his family.

**Check out the above link -Dave Ridge Exposed- which is publicly addressing this bastard as he sits as a Judge now in Erie, PA. The bastard hasn’t sued me for defamation of character because it is all true. If there is one person worse than your mother, it is this MF.



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